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OscillateZIP (main)£32.95 ($41.73)x
47 users

Genre: Trap

Additional Styles: Trap and Hip Hop

Some cool more underground trap vibes here, also lots of musical stuff so deep trap and hard trap can both be covered nicely. There are many inspiring kits that include the usual vocal, lead, beat and bass combos which are great. It's really easy to mix and match and take inspiration from the various kits. The tempos work nicely form 140 to 160 and you can dive in whether you are looking for inspiration for a vibe just want to get some ideas for bass, beats, cutting leads or vocal pitches and chops. There are 15 projects in total and I have already managed to make two or three hard trap tunes for a video game that have borrowed heavily from this pack. as always with the Niche Audio stuff it's really easy to mix and match and take bits of entire vibes and pitch and change tempo to make it your own.


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